Subliminal Trends

November 16th, 2004

It has occured to me today that I have not expressed my opinion about subliminal trends that everyone finds themselves subscribed to. Firstly let me explain what a subliminal trend is. So we’re at the year 2004 and I’m a 24 year old male, I find myself, like everyone else around me doing things exactly like they do, I walk around with my hair in one or two different styles; the messy look, or the messier look. My t-shirts are never tucked in as clearly that would be wrong and of course I have to wear my rucksack on one shoulder not two (although that now is changing in current trends which I’ll mention a bit more later).

So what am I refering to? Yes, you’ve guessed it! We all seem to follow implicit trends irrespective of our followings according to our culture and generation. You’ll find that your regular rude-boy will wear his t-shirt untucked just like a goth will and the fact they both wear t-shirts says it all.

Wait, I hear you cry! I am only describing 20 something males living in London… hold on one second. This is the same all over, any generation does exactly the same at any part of the world, funny thing being is that these subliminal/implicit trends expire and are replaced with others.

So, I find myself walking around in public with a t-shirt on (and not tucking it in), with my hair a mess and find myself questioning why the hell am I doing exactly the same as everyone around me, with no good reason to. Does wearing a t-shirt make you more sociably acceptable?

I’m not a fashionable person, as you can well imagine by the way that I have written the present entry. In fact I’d consider myself anti-fashion. Gone are the days of me deliberatly wearing clothes that are purposely irritating to others in a lame attempt to make people to wake up; yet I still feel forced to not adhere to this subliminal subscription of irrational personal presentation.

Why does wearing a t-shirt tucked in seem wrong? much like; turn-ups on trousers?

Just me thinking again.

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