Surfs up!

January 7th, 2005

So I’ve heard about these earthquakes in Thialand or something not sure, don’t care either.

Thing that makes me laugh about this is, is how people get all frantic about “there was means to predict the event” and so on and yet, nobody said anything. What this tells me, not sure if it does you; is that, maybe there was a prediction and that prediction’s magnitude was so horrifying that making it public knowledge would probably cause more deaths than if the whole thing came as a surprise.

Just imagine everyone trying to escape the coasts and fighting in the streets for their own lives and possessions, people do not function well in a panic especially a blind one.

Conclusion: all this technology is a waste of time! What is the point in predicting your own fate, you’re only going to try and escape it and fail. Let it come as a surprise and enjoy the highs and the lows.

P.S. Wonder if anyone was surfing at the time…..”wipe out!” (excuse the pun)

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