A Good Week!

February 9th, 2005

This week has been very good! I started it off on Monday by beginning my kung-fu & tai-chi classes which I thoroughly loved.

Tuesday was good because I did my job well and was told by my boss that the engineering company (sub contractor) would want to snap me up if I wasn’t already working for George Wimpey. Secondly that he (my boss) is very pleased with me and is happy with everything I do. Then later that day excelled by pointing out some flaws in the construction that needed to be rectified which made them swoon a little more as I’m more on the ball than they are.

…and today well just about made it conclusively the best week ever. I had my Architecture open-day do; I went in feeling a little skeptical by the fact there were about 12 of us there. It got worst by later being told after submitting my work, that only four of us would have an interview. Thinking the worst case scenarios of whether getting an interview was a good/bad thing got me all stewed up, come the annoucement of the candidates chosen for the interview I was chosen. As you tend to do when you know something bad is about to happen, I preped myself for all the impossible questions they might ask. When I turned up for it however; it was bliss. Complimenting me on my work, and telling me how I’d be find on the course (no worries about that; nod nod wink wink), all they wanted to know was how I was going to go about transfering from my present degree to their degree. My autodefensive mode had an anticlimax as it didn’t get what it was expecting.

It really was great, I’ve been wearing a smile, ear to ear, ever since I got the news.

Oh and although I am trying to give up computers in general I ordered some parts for an upgrade and they also came on Monday so its been getting better and better all week long. Come Friday I’ll be floating.

2 Comments to “A Good Week!”

  1. Galit said:

    Well I hope your floating by now!!!

    Good to hear that your going through a really good phase, u deserve it 🙂

  2. Iveti Scrobonotchavitch said:

    Congrats on getting a place….Just think you’ll be a student for life! x

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