Long time, no write…

March 2nd, 2005

I feel as though I have something draining away all my energy, I think very little (in comparrison to my usual) and before I know it, it is already bed time and I have not even eaten dinner.

Having said this, while I was on the bus yesterday and had the pleasure of being forced to hear a conversation between a cretin female speaking with her friend over her mobile telephone about some friend of “carla” who was “in her face” about “who she was doing” and how it was “aint none of her business, you get me?”. The conversation lasted the whole bus ride from Dulwich to Kirkdale (some 10-15 minutes).

Toward the end of my journey the most amusing part of the whole experience came into play; it so happened that this friend of “carla” wasn’t worth the time to be “mc’ed” about (whatever M.C. is). However, what did occur to me having heard her reitterate her colloquial statements about how worthless this said individual was, she happened to have plently of time to speak about her and her so called involvement with being “in her face”.

Oh Lord, I am not here to whinge on about scum on the streets of London, not being worth the air that I breath…. oh wait, I am!

It strikes me incredible, the intellectual distance between the technology that enables people to communicate wirelessly in the “civilized world” and the low-life worthless statistical mass that actually uses it. I could quite easily scale up in that very moment, that no future generation from this peon could ever summount the intellectual capacity to even grasp a single concept that would be required to understand how a satelite stays in orbit recieving and sending signals from the earth whilst being powered by the sun’s energy. Such concepts of photo-sensitive energy producing cells, the gravitational pull of the earth’s core, air-bound signals or the signal algorithm involved with communicating with satelites or merely the principles of zero-g robotics are so beyond the realms of this individuals understanding that it makes me wonder; how intelligent people with a “liberal” political stance consider me a monster. The evidence is so clear and only following our natural instinct you can scale up a person and know enough about them to tell their worth. Why need the humble, (like me) need to be dragged down by utter crap like that?

Please do not get me wrong, I have a very low estimation of myself, I am by no means a member of any elite. I would also go as far as to say: on the scale of humanity I figure at the bottom, subservient to those above. It just happens that scum such as that mentioned, contributes only to inflict strife on those who wish to progress such as myself. Why do people find this so hard to understand?

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