Waiting for the Dead to Die.

July 28th, 2005

I was roped into visiting my grandmother at hospital today, her having had a hip replacement this week. I have been lately struggling to deal with visiting my grandmother. Her body has already given up on her and this decaying vessel (her body) is sustained by strong medication and regular visits by body/joint movers that have pretentious names for what they do, like: pysiotherapist. In essence her already dead body is waiting for her mind to give up.

It occurred to me whilst contemplating the banality of modern medicine that the term “replacement” is a complete lie. My mind sees a “replacement” being in meaning to exchange something by something else of equivalent value, size, mass or use; otherwise, “replacing” would be a bit ubiquitous. I mean: Replacing a meal with a crumb of food is not exactly a replacement. You’d expect a meal of the same value or size. Therefore, to replace a hip you’d expect an arthritic hip to be replaced by a joint of equivalent wear and worthlessness. Yet this is not the case, the replacees are doing away with an expensive piece of titanium with composite-ceramic fittings. Maybe my mental dictionary definition is incorrect on the word “replace” maybe not but I still feel that there is something horrifically wrong with modern medicine.

Who wants to live a life that long that their body and mind compete which will last the longest? It seems most people do and turn an ignorant eye to the inhumanity they force upon their loved ones…. perhaps the word “love” is something I am misunderstanding. Maybe we’re meant to force “loved” ones into torturous and humiliating agony until their prelonged existance finds an escape from your “love”. It would explain a whole lot to me about love if that was the case.

One comment to “Waiting for the Dead to Die.”

  1. Galit said:

    I hear you 🙁

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