October 14th, 2005

Since I am getting a motorcycle soon and obviously with that I’ll be getting my licence… I decided to endulge in a pair of motorcycle boots. After some research online on several biker e-shops I decided to try some nameless auction website and got myself a pair of the sexiest enduro boots ever!! and saved myself £80.

Check them out:
Enduro Boots

4 Comments to “BOOTS!”

  1. alex said:

    j00 look like a storm trooper, except not as sexy

  2. a-v0id said:

    That is similar to what I said to Natti… more on the lines of it being part from an outfit from Star Wars; alas, my memory failed to think of the name of Storm Trooper… not being a fan and all.

    You’ll be please to know, the rest of the Storm Trooper outfit is in the mail!…not.

  3. alex said:

    that’s a shame. the boots will complement the gimp outfit nicely though, as i’m sure you’ve already discovered.

  4. Davien said:

    Well, I love the boots and I bet that you look really hot in them!

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