Think your way to failure

December 8th, 2004

Ironically, I was thinking how “thinking” is probably the worsed thing for me. So, I tried to think of a way to stop thinking, which then perpetuated my frustration to the point I had to think of a way out of the loop.

The “how” of how I came to this conclusion was based upon a reflection of the past 4 years of my life, in which has been largely occupied (mentally) with that of the opposite sex. Varying from as far as understanding them, to what would make me more attractive to them, how in previous situations/relationships/scenarios I’ve falling short of success, managed to totally be hated, or just why are they so damn hard to get on with. Generally the conclusion is that I am the one at fault since you surely can’t generalise all females to being the same (or can you?). What I have noticed based on this analysis is that the more I learn about them, and the more confident that I wont screw the next one up, I generally end up doing a bigger cock up than that of the time before and thus; the (simplified) conclusion, the smarter I get the worse I am off, QED.

How can I resolve this problem? I have several options available, most of them involve me either dying or being hit very hard on my head so that I don’t remember who I am.

It can be thought; that as we get older and our demands are relatively more humble/simplified than they were before (way back when, when our perfect mate would have x,y and z characteristics and not have a,b, and c habits and enjoy m,n and o activities) and the easier you try and make the equation the worse the result renders you… perhaps being blindly stubborn and very set on what you demand/expect would render you a better result.

Of course, concluding this only makes it wrong, and thus the whole thing is speculatory.

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