Quick Job
September 16th, 2005
So today ended pretty bland. A null send off, with a handshake here and there and that was it. Which was fine, I had no high hopes for bells and whistles with exorbitant amounts of alcohol, so I was pleased with it being mellow. I was told to leave early since there was no need for me to be there and I did so quite happily.
Upon arrival home, I decided to ring the contracts manager from the engineering firm that did the concrete frame on the building site I had been working on to see what odds of me getting a Saturday job. He was delighted to hear from me and asked me to ring up my friend the engineer “Mo” and negotiate what I’ll be doing tomorrow with him.
So tomorrow morning, I’ll be starting on a new site in Hither Green doing as-built surveying… I don’t really know all the details but I’m overjoyed!
I can’t believe how informal it was… I love it!
Galit said:
Yay! way to go Neil 🙂
natti said:
Talking about large amounts of alcohol…
Mi madre has arrive home sluring and I, personally, am finding it fasinating bacause I have seen many things but not this, Her vocabulary has actually increased greatly among the slurs and become very girly.
Any why.
Well done in the new job!!!!!
and every thing see you tomorrow meh lovely