Null Subject
October 27th, 2005
Things don’t seem so bad anymore; they’re still bad, I have just stopped caring too deeply with them. I lost my job, there are others, I screwed up on the bike test thingy, there is always another chance to do it again oh and… uni sucks… what’s new?
I’ve been doing a few busy bits and pieces this week: Met Galit and sister with Natti, looking at bikes and helping my sister & boyfriend move… and that cracks apart all those empty spaces in which i could feel down about the misery of life.
Uni seems to be drifting along nicely… first reading week already here, starting tomorrow. That is always a good thing.
Natti and I are still having fun together, shame not everything could go as well.
How is everyone else?
Natti said:
wee! I am procrastinating, so i thought i would say hi!
lots of kisses