Escaping Eden?
January 2nd, 2005
9 hours of suffering my neighbours’ party (it being now 1:15am); I’ve spared myself the courtesy of going out for a couple of walks to escape the ruckus. On the last walk something occurred to me on a completely different line of thought and that is what I’m about to share with you.
I’ve titled the post “Escaping Eden” because it quite clearly is that. Those of you, who like me find yourselves lost in this vast void of confusion and emptiness; question the purpose of celebrating a fictional birth of a religious icon or why it is so important to get inebriated at such events like the change of a digit on the calendar which only marks the passing of time. We also find ourselves questioning the purpose of religion and tradition.
While the traditions and religious events may seem utterly pointless and furthermore totally irrational beyond all credulity. It strikes me odd how those who do participate in such things do not have the worries and concerns that we on the outside have. Concluding from this, I clearly see that such events and such irrationality break up the emptiness that there would be, if there was nothing to celebrate or to digress from the everyday monotony of life.
Alas, while it is all fair and fine to admit to this; to step back and finding faith in God, or going out to get smashed at a new years eve do, just is not what I have in mind. I will not let myself subscribe to such generic events. Instead, I propose a more inventive idea to break up the monotony, once in a while take a day off from your loops and cycles, take a day off from work and catch a train to the coast or maybe even, turn your bed around so you’re sleeping the “wrong” way round. Our minds are in need of change; do not starve it of this!
I would not of had this thought if I had not of gone for that walk which was induced by the selfishness of others. While the selfishness is unforgivable, an off-shot from it was this post and I’m rather happy with that.
I should point out; “Escaping Eden” is the act of trying to break away from tradition and religion, yet tradition and religion is probably where we’re best off!