
January 19th, 2005

I have been a few days conjuring up this article. Before I indulge you with it I’d like to remind all those who read that everything written here is based upon my opinion, it is therefore impossible that I am wrong for it is only my opinion, therefore whether you morally disagree or see otherwise is not the point. Does that make any sense? I hope so.

So telepathy, to my understanding until recently, it has been that of being able to read another person’s mind. The problem with this misperception is the fact that one understands the word “read” as a factual based form of understanding. This would imply that factually, someone with such a gift could peer inside another person’s mind and grab the thoughts in a coherent, first tongue language. For example:

We associate a mind read to be able to decipher a thought you are currently holding… “I’m thinking red”… and the mind reader will say “you’re thinking red”

The problem is, I don’t think that telepathy is what we perceive it to be. I believe it has nothing to do with facts. To further this point I think that most animals work by telepathy, only us idiots (humans) walk around trying to guess what the other idiot is cogitating. Our conscious minds annul all native savage instincts (our impulses) and those that do creep in we suppress in embarrassment. So let me tell you about myself:

Throughout my life I’ve been able to sense people’s emotion and feelings; I wouldn’t say that this is a phenomenon of nature. I am not a freak. I merely am intuitive to people’s feelings. It would seem that I inherited this from my father’s side, which if I was to explain that if they were any lower down the evolutionary chain they’d be marauding in packs with clubs on their shoulders. I sometimes hold contempt for my father’s family; at times I also think that what they are is a good thing. The point I am trying to make is that telepathy is nothing special and in fact I think we all can be quite telepathic if we shut down the conscious mind and listened to our instincts.

There is so much we can “read” from one another that nulls out much of what we speak about. “How are you today?” in person is as redundant as prefixing the person’s name before every sentence you address to them. To reflect on what I am speaking about, we can just look at how people get when they loose their inhibitions. For example:

Drunk people!… they loose all sense of inhibition and whilst running around causing a ruckus and the like, you do get to a point of paranoia. This stage of paranoia is a conflict of your conscious mind and your instincts; you can see instinctively things that your conscious mind denies. To further this example, in an; oh so generic way:
Meet Tracey and Dave, they are drunk on a Saturday night at the local pub. Tracey gets drunk slightly faster than Dave. She notices while Dave is still quite merry that he eyes other women as they enter the room. Of course this is a natural instinctive reaction by males of all species, we have to assure ourselves that we’re breeding with the best potential partner. Tracey however, senses this lack of fidelity, becomes paranoid and walks out the pub and round the corner of the pub where she cries and Dave has to spend 3 hours outside the pub trying to cheer her up. The fact that in 3 hours her alcohol content subsides and the conscious mind takes over again doesn’t really figure to them, he figures she forgave him and she just sees how stupid her reaction was and they walk back into the pub for the last orders.

The point of that example is that a lot of conflicts internally are going on and we ignore them like idiots on a daily basis. Remember ladies it isn’t in our nature to be monogamous; guys it’s not what you say, its when you say it if the first time didn’t do the desired effect then maybe you should wait… try “reading” her and then you’ll know.

Though what I am most upset about is that how people treat you for it; I try and use this so-called telepathy to to the best of my ability, to understand what the person I am speaking to is feeling with regards to what I am saying. Using a little probability it isn’t too hard to guess what someone is going to do next, at times you can see something negative happen as an effect what is being said and if you saw this coming then what would be the point in no avoiding this situation, especially when it is not your intention for any negativity to occur, the problem lies in the fact that you have to compromise the intuition of having second guessed the other person. This in turn is considered “rude” and this still leads to negativity… sort of defying fate where fate catches up on you in the end.

What a load of twaddle! Forgive me for if this last example (or the whole article) made no sense at all to you.

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