March 14th, 2005
I’ve recently have been told that I lack subtlety; on reflection I do believe that person is right. The problem now is overcoming this. I’ve set my whole outlook on my life around the idea of being direct with what I need to, would like and what I feel. The concept that perhaps such directness lacks tact now makes me wonder if I have been a little too harsh in the past with how I’ve exercised this directness so to speak. One would not need to lie to be subtle, merely not proclaim (so instantaneously), such demands would be less intimidating to those in which the direction is focused.
What I am really trying to say is, I totally lack the skill to speak to people civilly, I sometimes jump too deeply into what I want to communicate that I do forget to take into consideration where this person is coming from. I think it is much like writing a university paper (or any paper come to that); you have to first declare what you’re going to talk about and justify why, then go into what it all means and why it is relevant, then jump into the objective to then tackle it with the subjective and then finally conclude it all off with what you’ve just told them in a briefer rendition.
No, I’m not going to start speaking to people in that format, but what I mean to say is that I sometimes loose that consideration when speaking, and that has the unfortunate effect of scaring people off.
That being said, I’m know for a fact that my blog (this website), is a little too much for some people to handle; the vocabulary, the concepts or merely the crap I spate this site with can be just not to everybody’s interest. This only means that despite learning to be subtle will give little benefit as it does not mean that I will have universal appeal to everyone, it only secures the method I will communicate to other in; this would “up” my probability of making friends from 0% to now 0.015474575% (~rough estimation).
Stay tuned for next weeks interesting article on how they bone tinned anchovies.
Galit said:
Well to be honest you do lack subtlety BUT there are other things that make up to it.
I actualy envy you, I was taught all my life to be sooo subtle, that I find myself not telling a lot of stuff I think and that bother me deeply just not to annoy somoene, shake them or whatever.
I guess like everything in life, it’s all a question of moderation.
I really enjoy reading you entries and come back for more. if it means anything for you 😉
Now…. I CAN’t wait to hear how they bone tinned anchovies!!! Would make me a much more educated & complete person 😛
Roberto said:
How do they bone anchovies Neilos Maximas?