Archive for the 'Film Reviews' Category

Enduring Love (2004)

January 17th, 2005

Having read nothing about this film, I sat down to watch with Alison (my sister) and enjoyed it. The storyline is amazingly credible, the filming, the depth of the characters and the direction really does stand out, I guess being patriotic one could just say “what do you expect from an English film?” but really […]

White Noise (2005)

January 16th, 2005

I went with Rob to watch this flick in Leceister Square, been years since I’ve been to the cinema, and what a waste of time it was. It was clear from the overall picture that the writer/director had no idea what the plot was about and was poorly blagging their way through it. Michael Keaton […]

Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)

January 6th, 2005

Don’t get me wrong when I say this film was boring. Actually, do! It was enjoyable although I came away from it wondering what I’d just watched. What happened? Why it happened? etc. This film was set in the 17th century which makes it naturally great (of course!). As you all know, I love all […]

The Village (2004)

December 17th, 2004

Absolutely lovely film. Plays on the themes of morality and innocence; has a somewhat unpredictable ending but I foresaw it from about 10 minutes in, not sure why, but I felt it coming. The film is set in really beautiful surroundings and I’d love to know where it was done because it’s the sort of […]

The Family Man (2000)

December 10th, 2004

Friday night, home alone as per usual; with nobody to share the time with. I’ve been the past 3 years telling myself I’m going to watch this film. In fact, it is 3 years and 6 days since I got this film. Lets just back up a little, the film in question is The Family […]

Dancer in the Dark (2000)

December 5th, 2004

Biggest waste of: time, money, film, air, space, bandwidth… EVER!!