Archive for the 'Philosophy' Category

Sell your Soul to Complacency

March 4th, 2005

This week has lead me to a couple of self loathing incidents where complacency and placidness stole the moment. Firstly, allow me to explain both situations, then I’ll endeavour to explain. In the first part of this working week, I was approached by a work colleague who needed an English citizen to act as a […]


January 19th, 2005

I have been a few days conjuring up this article. Before I indulge you with it I’d like to remind all those who read that everything written here is based upon my opinion, it is therefore impossible that I am wrong for it is only my opinion, therefore whether you morally disagree or see otherwise […]

Defining Personal Space

January 14th, 2005

In my daily and oh so usual; “waiting for a train ponder”, I found myself defining what we understand by personal space. What I realized in through trying to define where such a space or significance to that space could be generated, I came to the simple understanding that the space is not a space […]

Man that you fear?!

January 9th, 2005

I was listening to titled song by Marilyn Manson earlier and thinking about whether there was meant to be a hidden meaning to it or if it is just a congealed set of clichés to make a stylized song. I had an argument with Lexy about this some time ago and she said that the […]

Escaping Eden?

January 2nd, 2005

9 hours of suffering my neighbours’ party (it being now 1:15am); I’ve spared myself the courtesy of going out for a couple of walks to escape the ruckus. On the last walk something occurred to me on a completely different line of thought and that is what I’m about to share with you. I’ve titled […]

Fear & Bravery

December 31st, 2004

It has been bothering me again that idea of “fear being the result of an awareness of negative consequence”. I can only say that you’d have to be mindless to be fearless. Therefore bravery is merely ignoring consequence which in turn can be regarded as stupidity. What is bothering me is the actual idea that […]

Pavlov’s Puppies

December 31st, 2004

Ever wonder why people like music that isn’t even good on any musical, rhythmic or intellectual ground? Must be conditioning for social acceptance; much like how Pavlov programmed his dogs to salivate for food with tones; social acceptance through meaningless sounds is almost an identical example. (I wasn’t in the bath when I thought of […]

Subliminal Trends

November 16th, 2004

It has occured to me today that I have not expressed my opinion about subliminal trends that everyone finds themselves subscribed to. Firstly let me explain what a subliminal trend is. So we’re at the year 2004 and I’m a 24 year old male, I find myself, like everyone else around me doing things exactly […]


November 13th, 2004

Was getting into the bath this evening… (as usual, this is my source of inspiration)… I found myself passing over the idea that perhaps, the answer to life or even: the answer to anything beyond the realm of our understanding, is a never ending loop that has no solution. For example; Look at how we […]