Archive for the 'Uncategorizable!' Category


October 14th, 2005

Since I am getting a motorcycle soon and obviously with that I’ll be getting my licence… I decided to endulge in a pair of motorcycle boots. After some research online on several biker e-shops I decided to try some nameless auction website and got myself a pair of the sexiest enduro boots ever!! and saved […]

More Negative Ranting

October 4th, 2005

Into my second week of uni this year and I’m finding I hate it already. Our modules (for civil engineering) consist of, accountancy matters, how to fill out application forms for jobs and how to write a CV and some subject that seems to cram everything we need to know into a watered down into […]

More vids

October 3rd, 2005

Found another piece of easy footage to put out to you guys. I call it: Rob tells a few jokes… 4.32MB (click the link) (You may require the latest version of Windows Media Player view this clip)

Sleeping Squirrel

September 28th, 2005

First clip of them all… I found this bit of clip whilst going through the footage and thought I could try some stuff out. I call it: Sleeping Squirrel 731KB (click the link). (You may require the latest version of Windows Media Player view this clip)

I’m back

September 24th, 2005

Hello, I’ve recently returned from my surveying course in the university of Sussex campus. The course was great fun but highly uneducational. It was great catching up with the lads and catching up on the past 9 months. While I was away I did film quite a bit on the old camcorder and should be […]

Quick Job

September 16th, 2005

So today ended pretty bland. A null send off, with a handshake here and there and that was it. Which was fine, I had no high hopes for bells and whistles with exorbitant amounts of alcohol, so I was pleased with it being mellow. I was told to leave early since there was no need […]


September 16th, 2005

It only feels like last night I was writing that article about there being 2 weeks left of work. Today is my last day; funnily enough, I don’t have any special feeling about it, the same old: can’t be bothered to get ready mood I have in the mornings. Next week, I’ll be off to […]

2 Weeks!

September 3rd, 2005

The past eight and a half months have passed so fast. I remember with such vividity presenting myself on the building site in January and getting odd looks from everyone, the look on my bosses face when I handed him my contract letter telling him that I was stationed on his site. Back then, it […]

Assist in Commercial Suicide

August 25th, 2005

Having recently been given the task of contending with a irrate telesales moron; I’ve had this wicked and thoroughly unkind idea, so cruel it put a cheeky smile on my face. Premise: Cold caller rings about… say windows. Attempt to be interested and invite them round to show you samples and to leg hump you […]

Benevolent Price-Work

August 20th, 2005

Being in the construction industry the words: “price-work” used together as so have become a addition to my vocabulary in a singular manner, having lost the meaning of what the two words have independantly. It just means, get paid to do the job opposed to, paid to come in. Pricework does not take into consideration […]